

  • 所在地: 佛山-南海区
  • 单位类型: 民办-九年制
  • 在校学生: 500人以下
  • 在职教师: 100-150人
CBIS Bilingual International School, located in Foshan China, covers an area of 29000 square meters, with a total investment of 200,000,000 Yuan. CBIS is surrounded by beautiful, spacious scenery. The CBIS school board has invested heavily in providing the best possible facilities to meet IB international standards. This is part of the board’s overall strategy to build a truly international school. CBIS as an IB World School, has professional educators from all over the world to deliver a modern international curriculum, which combines traditional Chinese studies with the International Baccalaureate Programme, thus giving students of G1~G11 the rare opportunity to become internationally educated, whilst maintaining traditional values. 元耕山语湖双语学校建校六年,成绩斐然,尤其在课程研究上,创设了*适合中国孩子入读的国际双语先进课程—IB中文融合课程体系:在IB框架下,实施国家课程、国学课程与IB的有机融,为学生提供基础教育阶段优质的双语教学,小学到大学预科,升学无忧。 入读CBIS的学生,意味着参与到一个全球性的社交网络,获得来自全球130多个国家丰富的教学资源。同时在申请欧美**大学的入学许可和奖学金上,都会被认可和优先考虑。 学校创校以来,凭专业的学术水平,成为国际文凭组织(IBO)PYP小学项目、DP大学预科项目授权学校,剑桥大学国际考评部(CAIE)和英国资格评估与认证联合会(AQA)正式授权的IGCSE、课程教学机构和考试中心,爱丁堡公爵国际奖项执行中心。 现为了让每位入读CBIS的孩子更充分、更自由地享有多元选择、多元发展的机会,在坚持国际化的办学方向不变、实施IB是不能动摇的前提下,我们双语实验班正式开启。 现诚邀教育界精英加盟!



